60 mm (HE, LR)

The high flexibility and easy handling on one hand and the accuracy of operation on the other hand, have made the Mortars to be considered as the most worldwide suitable weapons in infantry fighting particularly in hilly or jungle terrains fields. The 60mm mortar shell is one of the small mortar bombs produced by Iran Defence Industries and characterized by the special process of production and high quality material for the body, resulting in more effective blast and fragments and higher lethality for the ammunition. It is equipped with AZ111-A2 fuze with 2 positions (delayed & quick impact). LR, LR-A2: Long range and Long range-A2 types of 60mm mortar bomb are two improved types of that. The improvement is not only in the range, but also in their performance with more volume of explosive material. The new types have more explosive power and as a result they cause much better fragments than the previous type, resulting in a better performance. All these improvements are made without any change to the mortar launchers.


60 mm


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