120 mm (RA, RA-ER, Practice)

High explosive rocket assistant: To enhance range of 120mm mortar bomb 120mm rocket assistant product is designed. The complete round consists of a symmetrical forged C60 steel projectile body, internal solid-fuel rocket motor and HE filling. There are 6 gas check rings spaced around the waist. The rear taper is considerably thicker than normal and the tail fins are close to the body. The central cartridge container extends behind the fins and the horse-shoe shape increments are fitted around it. The filler is 2.15 kg of composition B and the bomb is drop loaded and fired in the usual manner. Once the bomb is fired to its target, the rocket motor initiates during the final few seconds of the flight, adding approximately 4 km range over conventional bombs. High explosive rocket assistant (extended range): high explosive 120mm mortar bomb is designed to improve range and performance, but launcher in this type is different and a long-barrelled mortar is needed. Practice: Practice type of this production is used for training to show the operation and shooting.


(RA, RA-ER, Practice)

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