NSD-1811/E & NSD-1871/E Network Security Device

By changing infrastructure of communication and computer networks from the TDM systems to IP, network routers play a major role in great networks specially the WAN networks. Due to security considerations in the networks, the used equipment should be secured extremely. Benefitting from high security local routers with competitive hardware and software capabilities, efficient and reliable network is established.


●  Data routing securely in computer networks (internet, intranet, and …)

●  Routing and exchanging the data securely in industrial networks related to ministry of oil (refineries and petrochemical), ministry of energy (power plants and power dispatching centers), and the other ministries

●  Routing capability in critical military networks and passive defense

●  Protected against viruses and harmful factors in the network due to localized software and protocols.

NSD-1811/E & NSD-1871/E Network Security Device


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